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documenta fifteen was a large-scale collective experiment in creating a commons using the art system. How did its lumbung community experience it? What happened on site and behind the scenes? What went wrong, and what can we take away from it? How does documenta fifteen fit into a larger picture of collective and community-oriented art practices?

This publication takes is base from a radio conversation between Simon Kentgens and Florian Cramer, where they together ruminated on their experiences and takeaways as peripheral participants in documenta fifteen.

As the publication is based on a transcript of a radio interview, it was important to visualise its origins in the layout: an ongoing conversation, with no headlines or images in between, just three pieces of music playing. Only at the very beginning the two speakers introduce themselves, so why show their names every time they talk? The conversation is a continuous layout, with the headlines mixed in. Pictures are small references and added as an appendix at the back. A simple guidance system for who's speaking - and the sound waves of the three songs playing, breaking up the layout, visualising the pauses they've made in the interview. The fonts chosen are Benoît Bodhuin's playful and swirling Harber, which seems to be made up of dots, visualising the commons, and Klim Type Foundry's very straightforward Söhne, which makes for a good readable body of text.

Lumbung, Commons and Community Art: a conversation on behind the scenes at documenta fifteen;
Published by HumDrumPress
Paper: Munken Lynx Rough 100gr & 300gr
Typefaces: Harber by Benoît Bodhuin, Söhne by Klim Type Foundry

HumDrumPress is a collaboration-based publisher. Tasks are therefore shared by all parties, within their capacities.
The following persons contributed in a multitude of ways to making this publication possible: Autonomy Lab/Willem de Kooning Academy, Florian Cramer, Goodiepal/BananSkolen, HumDrumPress (Amy Gowen & Wibke Bramesfeld), Iswanto Hartono/ruangrupa, Jatiwangi art Factory, reinaart vanhoe & marielle verdijk/OOK_, Simon Kentgens, Teun De Graaf/Woodstone Kugelblitz, WORM Rotterdam.

This publication was made in collaboration with Research Center Willem de Kooning Academy, Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands.